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Brian Bell

Vice Chair

Brian retired as a vice principal from the Peel Board of Education in 2001 after 33 years in education. He has served as President of the Glen Abbey Residents Association as well as serving as a director on the board of the Oakville Galleries. Upon retirement in 2001, he joined the Boys and Girls Club of Peel first as Executive Assistant, then in 2005, as Financial Manager when the Club became the Lead Agency for the Ontario Ministry's Student Nutrition Program. Since moving to Creemore, Brian has become the volunteer Treasurer for the Creemore Station on the Green and for the Creemore-New Lowell Pastoral Charge. Not long after moving to Creemore, he became increasingly aware of the Mega-Quarry issue and so joined NDACT as a director in 2013 because he strongly supports its goals.  

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Carl Cosack

Community Liaison (Past Chair)

Carl has served as Charter secretary of the then Honeywood Lions Club, a member of the Dufferin Federation of Agriculture, the County Cattlemen's Association, (now Ontario Beef Farmers),and 4 years on the Toronto Food Policy Council. As a strong supporter of alternative agriculture Carl helped in drafting the original Organic Standards. He spent 2007 consulting to Oliver Ranch, a specialty beef marketer based in Santa Rosa California. He was nominated to the NDACT board in 2009 and served as its Chair from 2010 – 2014 through the Mega Quarry issue. With his wife and daughter, he runs Peace Valley Ranch, producing some fine black angus beef, as well as Rawhide Adventures, an agri-tourism adventure horseback riding business - all located in the beautiful Mulmur hills.

Julie Roy

Secretary / Treasurer

Before embracing full-time country life, Julie had a successful paralegal practice in Toronto.  During the Mega Quarry, Julie acted as NDACT’s merchandising manager developing, distributing, and storing promotional materials such as buttons, stickers, and road signs both locally and in Toronto.  She would also assist with fundraising by attending various events with regular merchandise as well as specialty products such as ball caps, t-shirts, and sweatshirts (which were designed in a collaborative project with the students of OCAD).  After moving out of the city in 2021, Julie rebranded her career by starting a new business, Creemore Concierge and now does what she does best, building relationships and helping others.  Julie and her family live happily in the hills forever learning about country life with her ever-expanding family of two adult children, dogs, horses, chickens, fish, and any other creature that needs to be helped or fed.


Natalie Kotyck

Executive Director

Raised on a farm just outside of Mono Mills, Natalie started her career in Financial Services, IT, as a "coder", working her way up the ranks to successfully manage large-scale bank/brokerage IT projects. In 2000 with a foothold still in IT, she began her slow transition back to the real stock market developing and managing a variety of projects for Peace Valley Ranch Limited including In 2013 after 26 years she retired from IT making the final move to the Ranch in 2016. If her days were not busy enough, she also volunteered during the MegaQuarry, and has spearheaded smaller-scale neighbourhood delegations and letter writing campaigns about Arbour Farms, AdjTos Pit, Cox Landfill and Violet Hill - Greenwood.

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Darcy Timmons

Board Member

Darcy has been a resident of Melancthon since 1979.  In his early years Darcy was a student attending local schools, participating in local organized sports, working on some of Melancthon's local farms.  Melancthon is where he chose to raise his children.  He also started and has maintained his transportation and leasing business in Melancthon.  Darcy is involved in community concerns and events including being a member of Honeywood Minor Hockey as a coach and a member of the hockey council as a concerned parent.  He is also an appointed member of Melancthon to the North Dufferin Recreation Complex Board.  Darcy joined NDACT as a Board Member to work diligently with other concerned Members to promote and support the community, as he states: without Food, Water and People we have no Community.

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Ralph Armstrong

Honorary Board Member

The Armstrong Family are the fifth generation to farm the same land near Redickville since 1853 and Ralph is a founding member of NDACT.


"...The earth does not need people but people really need the earth. We need to take good care of Mother Earth for the children not yet born..."

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