NDACT's mission is to preserve and protect the unique and non-renewable resources of North Dufferin County including:
the Headwaters that supply Water to hundreds of thousands of Ontarians'
our exceptional Prime Agricultural Farmland
and the Community, the socio-economic and cultural fabric that has been such an important and vibrant part of our community and its heritage for more than 150 years.

The Mega Quarry fight exposed many flaws in the current Aggregate Licensing process. Because of the experience, NDACT has since envisioned a new approach to Aggregate Licensing - one where the Community, and Aggregate work together to develop the rules of engagement prior to applying for a license and ensures that "win or lose" all parties come out of the ARA process with positive results.
NDACT and Strada Aggregates Inc. have been forging such an engagement developing a unique Community Engagement Agreement.
NDACT congratulates Strada on its desire to be transparent and open with the community prior to applying for a licence.
NDACT firmly believes that this initiative can pave the way for congenial relationships between the aggregate industry and communities that may be impacted by new pits and/or quarries, and the government itself that oversees aggregate regulation across Ontario.