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As part of the agreement with Strada, questions from the community about the project will be received, reviewed, answered and eventually posted to this page for all to view.
Where will the proposed quarry be?The Quarry will be located on its existing licensed lands west of Masonville, Ontario - just south of the former Mega-Quarry lands at: 437159 4th Line, Melancthon, Ontario in Melancthon Township. There are approximately 360 acres of land being proposed for the Quarry.
What is Strada's Contact informationStrada's Contact Information is as follows: Project Website: Project Location: 437159 4 Line, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S9 Strada Community Liaison: Kevin Powers Strada WELLness Administrator: Greg Richards Corporate Website: Corporate eMail: Phone: 905-738-2200
A Resident asks about the 2023 Auditor General's Audit Report of the Aggregate Industry...B.R. writes: Dear Mr. Powers: I would like to read the business model that supports Strada Aggregates’ need to increase the size and/or depth of the pit at 437159 4th Line, Melancthon. My understanding, from the recent Auditor General’s Report of the Ministry that oversees your mining activities, is that Ontario has enough aggregates for the next 10 years to supply all its building needs from the existing pits. So please explain why you need to engage in a practice that clearly threatens our clean drinking water? I read in the Auditor General’s Report, with complete dismay, that the provincial regulations surrounding pit mining were basically written by the corporations in the aggregate business and that many owners are not in compliance with these regulations when it comes to paying yearly fees, being truthful with the Ministry about the allowable amount of aggregate taken each year and so on. Many disused pits are not returned to acceptable environmental conditions. There is also the question about the large turnover of aggregate pit inspectors. Apparently, the Ministry cannot get enough people to train to replace the lost ones leaving numerous mandated inspections undone for several years now. It begs the question about the working conditions of these inspectors at the sites. I have attached the link to the Auditor General’s Report for your edification. I am not saying your business is not in compliance, but your industry has many owners who are not and for many years now. The Ministry is complicit as they shirked their duty on a number fronts for many years (per the Auditor General’s Report). Given this background, I would very much like you to let all of us, who are affected by your proposed pit, if Strada is indeed, one of the good guys or not. The fact your proposal threatens my well water purity, which was tested 2 years ago when I bought the property, is of great concern to me and I am not assuaged by your WELLness Check Program in the least. I do not want to be seeking nebulous remedies for a ruined well nor dealing with legal matters. That would be extremely stressful. I am concerned if I was to complete the WELLness program package that it would be presented to the adjudicator’s of your proposal as evidence that I agree with your expansion of the pit, which I clearly do not. What happens to a ruined well and the so-called benefits of the “program” when your company’s licence under the Aggregate Resources Act is concluded per page 3, item 5 in the “welcome letter”? If your business ruins our ground water and you decide to conclude your business early then this WELLness program is for nought, per page 6 of your “welcome letter”. You do not mention proposed timelines for the life of this pit. I very much look forward to hearing from you and having my concerns acknowledged and addressed. The Strada Response: Thank you for your letter. We understand your concerns about the need for aggregate and the impact of quarries on water quality. The recent Auditor’s report concluded that the Province hadn’t provided the public with accurate information on the supply and demand for aggregates. This lack of information, it said, has led stakeholders to conclude, “based on limited available data, that there is an oversupply of aggregates already approved for extraction.” The province has commissioned an official report on the state of aggregate resources in order to clear up the ongoing misinformation. However, a report from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce in 2022 did look at this question. It found the Greater Toronto Area would run out of close-to-market limestone used for construction within 10 years. This would have a dramatic impact on the cost and environmental sustainability of construction in the province. The Long Haul: Examining the Implications of Far-From-Market Aggregates ( Strada’s proposed limestone quarry could help alleviate this problem. We understand your concerns about companies not operating in compliance. However, Strada has operated its Melancthon pit for nearly 20 years without incident, and with close relationships with neighbours and the local government. Strada’s agreement with NDACT shows that it is serious about operating as a good corporate citizen. Its Wellness Check Program is the first-of-a-kind in Canada, and it is intended to protect nearby residents in the unlikely event its proposed quarry impacts water quality or quantity. Signing up for the program is voluntary, and being part of the program in no way indicates support for the application. Joining the program would provide a level of assurance that your water quality and quantity will remain the same, even in the unlikely event the quarry causes a disruption. In the even unlikelier event that Strada were to stop operations, provisions under the Aggregate Resources and Water Resources Act would insure that your water quality and quantity are protected. Again, we understand your concerns, and hope that this provides you with some level of comfort that this resource is needed, and that Strada will operate in a principled and responsible manner.
A resident is concerned about the Strada ground water management planJB asks: One question I still have is how the groundwater supply will be impacted by Strada's blasting activities. What is their plan for managing the groundwater that is likely to flood the blasting area once they reach the water table? Will it be pumped out and returned to the watershed at another location? Do they have a plan for cleaning the water if this is the case? If it isn't to be returned to the watershed, where will it go? Strada Response As we are still in the pre-application phase of this project (Phase 1), assessing the merits of going forward with a quarry, exact details of the water management program have yet to be finalized. Should Strada decide to pursue an application and file for a quarry license, and should that application be approved, please be assured there will be a number of protections in place to ensure there is no impact to water quality or quantity from the proposed quarry. As noted in the Community Engagement Agreement signed between Strada and NDACT, for this Phase of the project, NDACT's hydrogeology and blasting team are reviewing the Strada studies around water management to ensure water is protected. Strada has agreed not to proceed with its application unless it can clearly demonstrate to the team the water will be protected. If an application is filed with MNRF, effectively we enter Phase 2 of this project, a number of industry experts from various Ministries and Agencies will also review all of the studies filed with the Application. At this point, the Application and studies will be made public, and you will be able to review them as well, particularly the water studies and water management plans. In addition, there will be a number of public meetings where the Strada consultants will be available to answer your questions. In the end, unless the Ministry and Agencies are convinced the water will be protected, Strada will not get a license to operate the quarry. To summarize, we are in Phase 1 of this project assessing the merits of applying for a Quarry license. There is nothing available for the public to review currently. All Application studies will be published online if and when an Application is filed with MNRF. We hope this helps.
A resident asks about what NDACT has done about the Strada Quarry...I was slightly involved in the Mega Quarry event as a volunteer at the successful event with the chefs on Hwy 124 a few years ago. I am out of the country until early April but wondering what plans NDACT might have to defeat this new Strada blast quarry. I had heard most of NDACT had resigned and am wondering who the current members might be….i assume Carl Kossack is s still involved which is good.i live in Hornings Mills. Thanks... My name is Carl Cosack and I am still an NDACT board member. We have engaged in this proposal already now for 4 years, held public meetings, virtual ones during Covid, open houses, social and print media campaigns etc. The public has told us to create a Community Agreement with Strada, which is published on our new website Strada has already filed a preliminary application with the Ontario Government, to explain that we have an open house in Horning’s Mills this March 5 from 7 to 9 pm. There are still unanswered questions that we have to explore with Mr Garry Hunter. He is our Community trusted expert on the hydrogeology file, as he has been with the Mega Quarry. We are also presenting to Melancthon Council this coming Thursday. There is so much to tell about all of this, can not do it all by email. Please look at our website, as well as Strada’s website to get yourself up to speed. Things sure a different now in Ontario, this is a smaller application on an existing pit, a provincial government which does not give us the time of day as well as a community who is hard to engage. Please, when you come back, let me know and I am happy to have a coffee with you and get onto the weeds with you regarding this topic.
If I sign up to participate in the WELLness Program does that mean I automatically agree with the potential Application?BB asks: I am concerned if I was to complete the WELLness program package that it would be presented to the adjudicator’s of your proposal as evidence that I agree with your expansion of the pit, which I clearly do not. Strada's Response: Strada’s agreement with NDACT shows that Strada is serious about operating as a good corporate citizen. The Wellness Check Program is the first-of-a-kind in Canada, and it is intended to protect nearby residents in the unlikely event its proposed quarry impacts water quality or quantity. Signing up for the program is voluntary, and being part of the program in no way indicates support for the application.
A Resident asks about expanding the TPA...L.P. Asks: In regards to the well registration program and the Target Participation Area, we would like to offer our input on the boundaries you have chosen. The aquifer from which we all draw our drinking water is part of a complete ecosystem, that requires each piece to function as nature intended in order to continue to provide the necessities of life to all living things. By altering one piece, all other corresponding and supporting pieces are also altered. Some to a small, barely noticeable degree, others very extensively. It is unknown what would happen if a Quarry were to operate below the water table as it has never been done before. But, should this be the final outcome with Strada, it could, possibly, affect all water quality and quantity for the entire province. Not just a small zone around the quarry itself. With this in mind, we believe, that wider ranging and more comprehensive environmental information should be gathered and all natural heritage features taken into account, not just wells. Our property is far outside of your TPA, but has a lot of water features on it, whicht, if negatively affected by future operations, would leave us completely without recourse or compensation under the NDACT/Strada Community Engagement Agreement. We do not believe we are alone in these sentiments, as millions of people could potentially be affected by a quarry project such as that being considered. In closing, we would ask that you reconsider the current Target Participation Area to cover all of Melancthon Township. Strada Response: Thank you for your note. When we developed the TPA it was based on our team’s scientific understanding of the area, and of those areas most likely to be impacted in the unlikely event the quarry has an affect on well water or natural features. The quarry plan includes many mitigation measures to ensure there are no impacts to water outside the site. In the unlikely event the quarry affected water quality or quantity, the residences in the TPA would be the first to be impacted. This serves as an early warning system, and Strada would likely adapt its operations to prevent further impacts. But if those impacts were later seen far beyond the TPA and shown to be the result of quarry operations, Strada would be obliged under the Aggregate Resources Act, and the Ontario Water Resources Act, to address the change in water quality or quantity. While we understand your concern, we are confident that the current TPA will serve to protect those inside and outside of the area.
What is the Target Participation Area (TPA)?The Target Participation Area (TPA) is the geographical area comprising the properties that are invited to participate in the WELLness Check Program. The TPA was determined by Strada and NDACT’s Hydrogeologist Team and ecologists to encompass properties within an approximate 2km to 3km radius of the proposed quarry. The area has been selected as a very conservative estimate of the potential influence area of quarry operations on groundwater resources. All of the properties within this area have been selected for water well inspection, while a subset of these have also been selected for natural environment inspection based on the known presence of significant natural features. The TPA was developed based on the Team’s historical knowledge of the area, available scientific information, understanding of the area’s very complex hydrogeological, geological and ecological conditions and the existing well locations. The general geographic boundary of the TPA is: West: 5th Line North: 15 Sideroad East: Mulmur-Melancthon Townline South: County Rd 17 Click here to view the TPA!
What if I am outside the Target Participation Area (TPA)Your Registration Document will be reviewed by Strada to determine whether your address is in the TPA. If it is determined NOT to be in the TPA, you will receive a follow-up email informing you that you of this matter. You will still be asked to confirm what has been entered in the Registration database as accurate. Similar to the following: Dear Jane and John Doe, Thank you for your interest in the WELLness Check Program as part of the Strada Quarry project. Unfortunately, the address you provided on the registration form is not part of the Target Participation Area (TPA) for the WELLness Check Program. This means that the WELLness Check Program does not apply to your property and is therefore not eligible for review by a Certified Well Inspector (CWI) and/or Ecologist under this program. Your property has been entered into our system as being registered outside of the TPA. Per your registration submission, we have recorded the following: Name: Jane and John Doe Property Address: 555555 3rd Line, Melancthon, ON, L9V 1T6 Home Phone: 519-925-0000 Cell Phone: 519-278-0000 If there are any discrepancies, please contact us immediately with your adjustments. Feel free to contact us by Email: or by Phone: 519-925-6970 if you have any further questions. It is important to register as should the TPA be extended your information will already be available.
Where do I send my signed Registration document?If your property is within the Target Participation Area (TPA) and you have completed and signed your Registration Document, You can deliver it to the Strada WELLness Administrator in. one of three ways: Scan and send by email to: Drop off at the weigh station: Strada Aggregates, c/o Greg Richards, 437159 4th Line, Melancthon, ON Mail to: Strada Aggregates, c/o Greg Richards 30 Floral Parkway, Concord, ON, L4K 4R1
What happens after I send my Registration Document to Strada?Your Registration Document will be reviewed by Strada to determine whether your address is in the TPA. If it is determined to be in the TPA, if you have provided an email address, you will receive a follow-up email for you to confirm what has been entered in the Registration database. Similar to the following: Dear Jane and John Doe, Thank you for registering your well in the WELLness Check Program. We want to ensure that your details were correctly entered into our system. Per your submission, we have recorded the following information: Name: Jane Doe and John Doe Property Address: 555111 5th Line, Melancthon, ON, L9V 2T8 Home Phone: 519-925-1111 Cell Phone: 647-268-9999 If all these details are correct, there's nothing more you need to do at this time. If there are any discrepancies in the information above, or if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the information below: Phone: 519-925-6970 Email: If you do not have an email address, you should expect a similar follow-up letter in the mail.
What is the WELLness Check Program?The WELLness Check Program is a one-of-a-kind program in Ontario that has been collaboratively developed by Strada and NDACT to assist with ensuring there will be no adverse impacts on surrounding property water wells and natural environment features as part of Strada’s application for a below-the-water table quarry at their properties located on the 4th Line in Melancthon. The program is comprised of a series of activities that will be completed to gather important environmental information about the wells and natural features on properties within the Target Participation Area. The information will be securely stored by Strada and NDACT for future reference in the event that changes in water well quality and/or quality, or changes to natural environment features occur. The purpose of the WELLness Check Program is to confirm the existence and condition of existing water wells and natural features (i.e., wetlands, woodlands, watercourses, groundwater seeps, etc.) to establish a baseline of information about those existing water wells and natural features before a potential quarry commences operation. Collection of the water well data and natural feature information is important for all parties involved and will help Strada to make decisions based on comprehensive scientific data regarding the merit in applying for a below-the-water table quarry licence.
What does it cost to Participate?The WELLness Check program is provided at no cost to you as Strada will cover the costs associated with completing the program, including having the Certified Well Inspector and Strada’s biologists (Natural Resource Solutions Inc. (NRSI)) visit your site to complete the WELLness Checklists.
What are the benefits of participating in the program?The following are benefits of participating in the WELLness Check Program: The program is provided to you with no cost. Strada will pay for all costs associated with the WELLness Check Program. The community benefits because Strada will be able to better understand the existing conditions of the surrounding wells and natural features. This will allow Strada to utilize and peer review a more comprehensive dataset when determining as to whether or not to proceed with an application. You as an individual landowner will benefit from having a better understanding and/or confirmation of the existing conditions of your well and on-site natural features. If an issue arises in the future, you will have documented baseline conditions of your well and on-site natural features. Should Strada proceed with an application and should that application result in a quarry licence, Strada and NDACT have signed a Community Engagement Agreement which includes a Well Disruption Complaint Procedure and a Natural Feature Complaint Procedure. Any landowner who registers and participates in the WELLness Check Program are afforded the right to seek the remedies described in these two complaint procedures in the event there are any disruptions to their well and/or on-site natural features. These complaint procedures are intended to provide immediate support to impacted landowners over and above the level of action required by Ontario law. Please refer to Schedule C in the Community Engagement Agreement for further details. If the quarry is approved, the benefits of registering and participating in the WELLness Check Program will last for as long as the proposed quarry is licenced under the Aggregate Resources Act.
How do I Participate in the WELLness Check Program?In order to participate in the program, you must first REGISTER with Strada by signing the Landowner Registration Document and returning it to Strada. Instructions on how to return the signed form to Strada are included on the final page of the Landowner Registration Document. Once Strada receives your signed registration document, you will be entered into the WELLness Check Program and shortly after you will receive a WELLness Check Package from Strada. This package includes a step by step guide for next steps. The WELLness Check Package is available on Strada’s and NDACT’s websites.
What happens if there are impacts to my water?If you chose to participate in the WELLness Check Program and have impacts to your well, please contact Strada directly who will immediately provide you with a temporary water supply and send someone to your property to commence an investigation into the source of the impact. A similar assessment and investigation will be made about your Natural Feature. Participating landowners will be able to participate in the complaint procedure formalized between Strada and NDACT. The complaint procedure was developed to ensure complaints are handled efficiently and effectively and to ensure immediate and ongoing support is provided to impacted landowners. This procedure is included as part of Schedule C (Wells and Natural Features) in the Strada-NDACT agreement. Please note only landowners who register to participate in the WELLness Check Program are afforded the right to seek the remedies described in the Well Disruption and Natural Feature Complaint Procedures included in Schedule C in the Community Engagement Agreement. If you chose not to participate in the WELLness Check Program you do not have access to the remedies described in Schedule C. With no baseline information, an investigation would need to start from scratch which may delay the initiation of a permanent solution.
What if I DO NOT participate in the WELLness Check Program?The WELLness Check Program is unique in ensuring that, in the event of a disruption to your water supply due to quarry operations, your well will be returned to the exact quality and quantity it was before the disruption. This is because the WELLness Check Program provides baseline data about your well water and holds Strada accountable for ensuring it is returned to the same baseline level in the event of a disruption. If proven at fault, Ontario regulations require any quarry operator to provide impacted landowners with a new supply of water in the event of a disruption. But only by registering for the WELLness program can you be assured immediate action and that it will be returned to the same quality and quantity.
Who are the Certified Well Inspectors (CWI)?The Certified Well Inspectors (CWI) are all independent certified licensed well technicians under Ontario Regulation 903 who have the necessary expertise to complete well inspections. The Certified Well Inspectors listed below have been agreed-upon by Strada and NDACT to complete the WELLness checks. Use of one of these inspectors is required to participate in the program to ensure a consistent approach in each WELLness check as these inspectors have been debriefed by Strada and NDACT on the program requirements. ● Stan Wright & Co. Well Drillers, ● Hanlon Well Drilling, ● Keith Lang Water Well Drilling Inc Participating landowners are to select one of the Certified Well Inspectors and contact Strada who will arrange to have the inspector visit your property. Further details are provided in the WELLness Check Package.
Why were local CWI not used in the program?The Certified Well Inspectors in this program are all independent certified licensed well technicians under Ontario Regulation 903 who have the necessary expertise to complete well inspections. When the search went out for local inspectors, there were none who had the appropriate credentials.
What are the Well and Natural Feature Checklists?There are two checklists included in your Wellness Check Package. The Water Well Checklist is used to document the current condition of your well, including type of well and pump, as well as existing water quality and quantity. The Natural Features Checklist is used to document the existing natural features and wildlife you have observed on your property. The goal is to support an understanding of the existing natural environment conditions and assess potential for impacts. You are tasked with completing both checklists to the best of your ability prior to the Certified Well Inspector appointment. Please only complete the checklist that is applicable to your individual property (i.e., if you only have a well, only complete the Water Well Checklist; if you only have on-site natural features, only complete the Natural Features Checklist. If you have a well and on-site natural features, complete both checklists). The Certified Well Inspector will be able to help verify the details and finalize the Water Well Checklist on the day of your scheduled WELLness Check appointment. Strada’s top priority is ensuring the proposed quarry would have no adverse impact on surface or groundwater resources. If your property contains on-site natural features, please contact Strada’s Wellness Administrator who will coordinate having Strada’s biologists (NRSI) visit your property to complete a baseline assessment and assist you in completing the checklist. These visits are intended to occur in May-June 2024. Please provide the Certified Well Inspector with both checklists so they can provide the checklists to Strada following the appointment.
What are the Program deadlines?The program contains the following three major timelines: May 31, 2024 - Registration to participate in the program closes Present to June 30, 2024 – Schedule and complete the WELLness Check June 30, 2024 – WELLness Check Program closes The June 30, 2024 closing date is the deadline to complete the WELLness Check with the Certified Well Inspector and Strada’s biologists (NRSI), where required. If the quarry application is approved, every landowner who participates in the WELLness Check Program will have access to the benefits of the Strada-NDACT Community Engagement Agreement for as long as the quarry is licenced under the Aggregate Resources Act.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the program?If you have any questions about the WELLness Check Program, please do not hesitate to contact Strada’s Wellness Administrator: 519-925-6970 You can also contact NDACT at
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